
I am a researcher affiliated with the Kurt Gödel Society and TU Wien working in the field of logic and (computational) proof theory. I have received several fellowships and prizes, and I am the treasurer of the Kurt Gödel Society (since 2022, publicity chair from 2015-2022). Other than doing science, I like organizing summer schools, conferences, and workshops. The little free time I find I usually spend under water.


  • PhD in Computer Science (Logic) – May 2020, TU Wien,
    Thesis: Automated Proof Analysis by CERES,
    Advisors: Alexander Leitsch and Matthias Baaz.
  • MSc in Logic and Computation – Oct. 2015, TU Wien,
    Thesis: Herbrand Sequents and the Skolem-free CERES Method,
    Advisor: Alexander Leitsch.
  • BSc in Computer Science – Aug. 2013, JKU Linz,
    Thesis: Detecting Mistakes in Music Performances: An Automatic Music Tutor,
    Advisors: Andreas Arzt and Gerhard Widmer.


  • Kurt Gödel Society, Senior Postdoc, since 2022.
  • TU Wien, Univ.Ass. (2020-2022), Proj.Ass. (2015-2020).

Grants and fellowships

  • Interpolation in Presence of Induction (2024-2025),
    APART-MINT Fellowship of the Austrian Academy of Sciences (90 296.00 EUR).
  • Automated Proof Analysis with CERES (2018-2019),
    DOC Fellowship of the Austrian Academy of Sciences (76 000.00 EUR).


  • SILFS Prize 2020 for Women in Logic and the Philosophy of Science. Awarded by the Italian Society for Logic and the Philosophy of Science to promote and support the contribution of underrepresented groups to the fields of logic and the philosophy of science.
  • Erwin Wenzl Prize 2016. Awarded by the Erwin Wenzl Preis Verein to the most outstanding Master Thesis with connection to Upper Austria.
  • Distinguished Young Alumna Award 2015. Awarded by the Faculty of Informatics at TU Wien to the most outstanding master student for their exceptional achievement in research.

Selected talks

  • Interpolation Properties of Proofs with Cuts, 13th Conference Logic and Applications 2024 (LAP 2024) September 2024, Dubrovnik, Croatia.
  • Epsilon Calculus and LK, Proof Representations: From Theory to Applications, Dagstuhl Seminar, August 2024, Schloss Dagstuhl, Germany.
  • Analytic Calculi for Macros of Connectives and Quantifiers, TU Wien Theory and Logic Group Seminar, Vienna, Austria, June 2024.
  • Herbrand’s Theorem in Inductive Proofs, LPAR 2024, Mauritius, May 2024.
  • On Proof Schemata and Primitive Recursive Arithmetic, LPAR 2024, Mauritius, May 2024.
  • Effective Skolemization, 29th Workshop on Logic, Language, Information and Computation WoLLIC 2023, Halifax, Canada, July 2023.
  • Proof Analysis with CERES, Celebrating 90 Years of Godel’s Incompleteness Theorems, Nürtlingen, July 2021.
  • An Introduction to Proof Analysis, DBAI Research Seminar, Vienna, Austria, December 2020.
  • Herbrand Sequent Extraction, Proof Theory for Automated Deduction, Automated Deduction for Proof Theory, Funchal, Madeira, October 2019.
  • Note on Globally Sound Analytic Calculi for Quantifier Macros, 26th Workshop on Logic, Language, Information and Computation WoLLIC 2019, Utrecht, The Netherlands July 2019.
  • Does Gödel Logic Interpolate?, AsubL Take6, Cagliari, Italy, June 2018.
  • First-Order Interpolation of Non-Classical Logics Derived from Propositional Interpolation, 11th International Symposium on Frontiers of Combining Systems, Brasilia, September 2017.
  • Automated Proof Analysis and the method CERES, International Summer School for Proof Theory in First-Order Logic, Funchal, August 2017.
  • A Sequent-Based Translation into the Epsilon Format, Second FISP Meeting, Paris, June 2017.
  • Expansion Trees from Non-Normalized Proofs with CERES, Proof Theory: Herbrand’s Theorem Revisited, Vienna, May 2017.
  • Propositional Interpolation Induces First-Order Interpolation for Finitely-Valued Logics, Helmut Veith Memorial Workshop, Obergurgl, January 2017.
  • Extraction of Expansion Trees Using CERES, The Fine Structure of Formal Proof Systems and their Computational Interpretations, Kick-Off Meeting, Innsbruck, November 2016.

Selected research visits

  • Laboratory of Informatics of Grenoble, Université Grenoble Alpes, Grenoble, France (host Nicolas Peltier), Oct. 2018 and April 2024.
  • Laboratoire J.A. Dieudonné, Université Côte d’Azur, Nice, France (host Mai Gehrke), Jan. 2017.


See Research.


  • Data Base Systems (lecturer), TU Wien, 2020-2022.
  • Data Modelling (lecturer), TU Wien, 2020-2022.
  • Formal Methods in Computer Science (exercise classes), TU Wien, 2020-2022.
  • Theoretical Computer Science (exercise classes), TU Wien, 2018.
  • Algebra and Discrete Mathematics (exercise classes), TU Wien, 2016.

Organized events

  • VCLA International Student Awards (co-chair), Vienna, Austria (2024).
  • IJCAI-ECAI 2022 (student volunteer chair), Vienna, Austria (2022).
  • 3rd Workshop on Proof Theory and its Applications and the 3rd International Winter School on Proof Theory (co-chair), Funchal, Madeira (2021).
  • Kurt Gödel’s Legacy: Does Future lie in the Past? Vienna, Austria (2019).
  • Proof Theory for Automated Deduction, Automated Deduction for Proof Theory, Funchal, Madeira (2019).
  • The International Summer School for Proof Theory in First-Order Logic (chair), Funchal, Madeira (2017).
  • Twelfth-Sixteenth International Tbilisi Summer School in Logic and Language, Tbilisi, Georgia (2016-2022).

Short lectures / tutorials

  • Cut-Elimination. Twelfth International Tbilisi Summer School in Logic and Language. Tbilisi, September 2016.